spacex crs-7 artinya
- spacex crs-7
- spacex: spacex
- spacex crs-2: spacex crs-2
- spacex crs-3: spacex crs-3
- It was launched on July 3, 2015, less than a week following the failure of SpaceX CRS-7 and the previous failure of Progress M-27M to deliver cargo to the ISS.
Ini diluncurkan pada tanggal 3 Juli, 2015, kurang dari seminggu setelah kegagalan SpaceX CRS-7 dan kegagalan sebelumnya Progress M-27M untuk memberikan kargo ke ISS. - SpaceX CRS-7, also known as SpX-7, was a private American rocket Commercial Resupply Service mission to the International Space Station, contracted to NASA, which launched and failed on June 28, 2015.
SpaceX CRS-7 adalah misi roket kargo swasta Amerika ke Stasiun Luar Angkasa Internasional, dikontrak untuk NASA, yang diluncurkan dan gagal pada tanggal 28 Juni 2015.